Next weekend I’ll join my parents in their Garage Sale in Lommel, where I’ll be offering a bunch of vinyl and CD’s, as you can see in the picture on the right. Obviously there will be a record player available to test vinyl and to maintain a fun atmosphere. The offer in terms of vinyl you can find at Record for Sale/Exchange.

Next to that there will also be a wide selection of CD’s, both singles and albums at very reasonable prices (0,10 / 1 EUR). I will also have a selection of MetallicA bootlegs (live recordings and demo’s) up for sale at 3 / 5 EUR for single/double CD’s.
There will also be a wide variety of books, paintings, sculptures, copper and vintage finds available, along with general household supplies.
You can find us at Bezemstraat 24, in Lommel. Both on Saturday and Sunday from around 9 AM until 6 PM. The full program can be found on the organiser’s website.